One of the strengths of the feminist movement in India lies in unity among diversity. This diversity is represented in terms of ideology, a diverse range of feminists representing a range of religious, class, caste and ethnic groups, and differences in terms of strategies adopted to bring about social transformation. For example, women activists who seek the enactment of a Uniform Civil Code have as much legitimacy in the Indian feminist movement as those who seek retention of personal laws as an expression of their right to religious freedom. While ideological plurality has ensured a richness of debates and activities, at the same time it has led to polarization within the movement. Contemporary #MeToo Movement has also sharpened polarization among feminists who support “due process” and the feminists who have no faith in “due process” or POSH Committees due to their inherent limitations to deal with dominant toxic patriarchy. Further, the growing “NGOisation” of the feminist movement has led to competition over funding.

In this context, women’s networks and alliances can play a major role in bringing about real change in the lives of women in India. From local level women’s networks who work on improving their socio-economic status collectively to national level alliances working on the enactment of a domestic violence law in India and 33% reservation of seats for women in the Parliament of India, there have been a range of occasions that led to the springing up of women’s alliances. Equally, a conscious effort to create networks and alliances for lobbying with the government or bringing about change in the mindset has led to the creation of networks such as Women Power Connect or Sangat.
Feminist networks and alliances remain very much relevant to India in a political climate of growing polarization and lack of tolerance. Inclusive feminist networks can help diffuse tensions over political issues by ensuring all voices are heard, that there is no domination by any one organization, and that decisions are taken collectively.
I look forward to reading further articles and thoughts on this blog and congratulate WPC for taking the initiative of creating this online space for writings on feminist networks and alliances.
Post by: Dr. Vibhuti Patel